A diverse group of children holding hands in a line

Guiding parents and teachers in the provision of Diversity and Inclusion education for young children.

Bright Futures Mission Statement: "At Bright Futures, our mission is to educate and inspire children to embrace diversity, inclusion, and social justice through creative and engaging programs, fostering a more compassionate, empathetic, and inclusive society for all.

Bright Futures ambassadors are the heart of our organization. These dedicated individuals are trained to deliver interactive and inspiring sessions in schools, tailored specifically for elementary age children. Using stories, games, and activities, our ambassadors make learning about diversity and inclusion a fun and engaging experience.

A group of young children running together

What is Diversity?

Diversity means understanding that everyone is different. Whether they come from different backgrounds, different countries, or more. Diversity encompasses everything from ethnicity, gender identity, sex, sexuality, race, religion, and economic status amongst others.

A diverse community is a wonderful thing that should be celebrated. It ensures that everyone is free to be themselves without being fearful of prejudice. It also allows us to build relationships with others while embracing what makes us all unique.

An adult reads a story to a small group of children

What is Inclusion?

Inclusion is when everyone feels welcome and included, no matter how different they are. Imagine you're playing a game with your friends, and you make sure that every single person gets to join in and have fun. You don't leave anyone out, and you make sure everyone feels happy and part of the group.

In the same way, inclusion means making sure that everyone, no matter what they look like, where they come from, or what they can do, feels like they belong. It's about being kind, respectful, and making sure everyone has an equal chance to participate and enjoy things together. So, inclusion is all about creating a friendly and fair environment where everyone feels valued and included.

Recent Research Highlights

Here are some key points and links to recent research that highlight the importance and current trends in diversity and inclusion for children.

These resources offer valuable insights into the current state of diversity and inclusion for children, highlighting both the progress made and the areas that require further attention.

Ethnic Representation in Children's Literature

A recent report by the Centre for Literacy in Primary Education (CLPE) titled "Reflecting Realities" provides insights into the representation of racially minoritised characters in UK children's literature. The report shows a significant increase in inclusive literature, with 30% of children's titles published in 2022 featuring racially minoritised characters, up from 4% in 2017. However, it also notes a decrease in the presence of these characters in picturebooks and non-fiction for the first time.

CLPE Reflecting Realities Report
Children's Experiences with Diversity in Books

The Literacy Trust's report, "Seeing yourself in what you read: diversity and children and young people's reading in 2022," reveals that nearly 2 in 5 children and young people find it difficult to find books with characters or people like them. This difficulty is more pronounced among children from Black ethnic backgrounds and those receiving free school meals.

Literacy Trust Report
Diversity and Inclusion in Schools

Pearson UK's "Diversity and inclusion in schools report" highlights that 80% of UK teachers believe more can be done to celebrate diverse cultures, people, and experiences in education. The report emphasizes the need for greater inclusion to reflect the diverse backgrounds of students.

Pearson UK Diversity and Inclusion Report
Links to Health Research

This article reviews data on the diversity of the pediatric population and suggests strategies to improve health equity through various initiative.

Diversity & Inclusion in Pediatric Care.
Additional Research

Explore more research on diversity and inclusion in children's literature and education.

More Research
Further Reading

Discover additional resources and articles on the importance of diversity and inclusion.

Further Reading

Fun Learning Resources for Young Children

Welcome to our resource section, where we've gathered a treasure trove of fun and educational activities designed just for young children. Here, you'll find a variety of engaging tools to help them learn, create, and grow.

Whether at home, in the classroom, or just looking for something fun to do, these resources are here to help your children have a blast while learning. So, dive in and start exploring!

Recommended Books

Discover new stories and adventures with our list of books that are perfect for early readers and bedtime tales.

See What I Can Do!
See What I Can Do!

Written by Joe Roberts and illustrated by Hannah Rounding

Buy at Amazon UK
The Same But Different by Molly Potter and illustrated by Sarah Jennings
The Same But Different

Written by Molly Potter and illustrated by Sarah Jennings

Buy at Amazon UK
We All Belong by Nathalie and Alex Goss
We All Belong

Written by Nathalie and Alex Goss

Buy at Amazon UK
Usborne All About Diversity by Felicity Brooks and Mar Ferrero
Usborne All About Diversity

By Felicity Brooks and Mar Ferrero

Buy at Amazon UK
We Can! Make a Difference by Alexandra Strick
We Can! Make a Difference

Written by Alexandra Strick and Steve Antony

Buy at Amazon UK
Perfectly You by Leigh Doest
Perfectly You

Written by Leigh Doest and illustrated by Marcin Poludniak

Buy at Amazon UK


Classroom or family appropriate diversity and inclusion games and activities

Invisible Clay Non-verbal communication games. Players 'mould' invisible clay and the other players guess what the object is. This game introduces non-verbal communication such as gestures and facial expression for people who are unable to communicate through spoken language. Participants will understand that communication is about much more than words.

Reverse Musical Chairs A game of musical chairs where the group has to find a way to include everyone when the music stops. With each new round, the group will be challenged to work even harder to find ways to be inclusive.

Food Around The World Bingo A fun and engaging game, this Food Around the World Bingo is an exciting way to introduce children to different cultures. They can start with the basics, learning about traditional foods, before moving on to discussions about other differences.


Adorable printables for your child to colour in.


Watch fun and inspirational videos that will help your child learn about diversity and inclusion whilst being entertained.